Saturday, December 13, 2014

10 things that you did not know about recycle.

Did you know?

  1. Every year the quantity of waste generated increased: The last 40 years there has been more trash in the world since the beginning of man until 1970.
  2. Our garbage is composed of: 45% organic matter, 22% paper and paperboard, 10% plastic, 7% glass, 4% metal,  2% Brik and 10% other residues.
  3. With 2 tons of recycled plastic used 1 ton of crude oil is saved.
  4. By recycling a plastic bottle we save the energy needed to maintain a light bulb for 6 hours.
  5. For every ton of Briks transformed into Tectan recycled, we save 1,500 kilograms of wood, 100,000 liters of water and 221 kilograms of gas oil.
  6. To produce 1,000 kilograms of good quality paper, about 3,300 kilograms of wood are needed. Recycling paper and paperboard is essential to save energy, prevent pollution, avoid wasting water and save forests.
  7. A ton of containers of used glass saves 130 liters of fuel.
  8. Over the past 35 years, Earth had lost a third of global wildlife.
  9. A water tap leaking one drop per second, ends up wasting 30 liters of water per day.
  10. A computer contains 1.5 kilos of copper. If we consider that 240 million computers are sold around the world each year. Recycling these computers around 360,000 tons of copper could be recovered, the equivalent to the production of a mine for a year.

Remember, recycle is saving the Earth! 


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